Software Enthuisasts
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Software enthusiasts

Software enthusiasts
#software #ADAS #SDV

Once an additional element of key components, software is becoming the key component—and OPmobility has responded, bringing its software development activities together in a dedicated activity: OP’nSoft. We speak to some of the software enthusiasts involved in the thriving evolution of software-defined vehicles.

The future of automotive software

OP'nSoft: a software revolution for the automotive industry

“By 2030, software will account for 30% of a car’s value. Most of the value we create will increasingly involve software,” says Alexandre Corjon, Executive Vice-President Innovation & Software at OPmobility, about the rationale behind OP’nSoft as a dedicated structure developing software for the Group’s products and services. “Already, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are sending Radio Frequency Interferences (RFIs), diagnosing sources of automotive systems to Tier 1 asking about how we deliver software for lighting, for example. So if you want to sell lighting in the future, you will need to be recognized as both a systems and a software supplier.”


With 150 employees located in 12 sites worldwide, OP’nSoft liaises with all OPmobility Business Groups and, only one year after its creation in 2023, is already involved with up to 100 projects. “We intend to increase our teams to 250 by 2025,” adds Alexandre Corjon. After all, beyond equipping OPmobility products with software solutions, the ambition is to, using DevSecOps (Development – Security – Operations), put in place state-of-the-art software platforms cleared for safety-critical vehicle functions.


“What is more,” expands Corjon, “software opens up potential for new partnerships. Take fuel-cell technology in trucks and busses–there’s enormous potential to improve the technology of these uninvested forms of transportation, and thus to integrate powerful software.”

Joining OP'nSoft: a new horizon for electrification projects

I am fascinated by the role software plays in vehicles, especially now that electrification and hydrogen technologies are developing so fast. It is both exciting and enriching to define customized solutions according to client specifications and type of vehicles.
Romain Beurton, Program Manager at OP’nSoft, Toulouse, France
Romain_ Beurton


The challenges of electrifying trucks and buses


Before joining OP’nSoft last autumn, I had spent eight years in the automotive sector and was attracted by the breadth of projects within OPmobility.


I work in the electrification sector, specifically for larger vehicles such as buses and heavy goods vehicles (HGVs). In software terms, electric vehicles (EVs) require programming all along the drivetrain, from the battery through the motor and the wheels, and heavy-duty applications bring additional complexity here. Due to their size and the amount of power they require, they have packs containing several batteries. A key software challenge is making sure these batteries are reliable and that they are organized in the best possible way.


Another source of complexity is that electric drivetrains need to be closely adapted to their environment and the way they are used. So to get our software solutions right, we have to spend a lot of time defining specifications with the client: bus operators, for instance, have quite different requirements to hauliers. My role is to ensure that our team members understand the specifications and then to support them in designing appropriate solutions.


We’ll be expanding in the near future: OP’nSoft has ambitious growth plans—and Toulouse is an excellent place to pursue them. Thanks to its strong higher education sector, the city produces a constant stream of young talent and the positioning of industrial employers makes it an attractive location. As does its climate, of course: even in winter, we often go out jogging together in our lunch break!

Experience in automotive software development and international collaboration

One of the real strengths of OP’nSoft is that we have both a thriving development team here in India and contact with colleagues based all over the world—and with various departments in OPmobility.
Sumana R. N., Senior Software Engineer at OP’nSoft, Bangalore, India


Innovative projects and global coordination for sustainable solutions


I came to OP’nSoft with four years’ experience in automotive software development, and here, in India, it’s a great place to continue learning in this interesting, ever-evolving, industry. Currently, I am part of the selective catalytic reduction project part of C-Power Business Group. This will reduce emissions produced by diesel cars, but I have also been on hydrogen fuel cell development, and I enjoy getting an understanding of the background behind various automotive systems.


One of the real strengths of OP’nSoft is that we have both a thriving development team here in India and contact with colleagues based all over the world—and with various departments in OPmobility. Although it requires constant coordination and communication, working in international and cross-departmental structures is beneficial. It helps us to understand the markets to which we are providing products and so improves the quality of our software solutions.


Another great thing about OP’nSoft is that we are growing so fast, and I’m involved in hiring and inducting new team members. Some of the developers who come to us have various backgrounds from software experts in Automotive, Aerospace to freshers from University, we welcome and train newcomers for automotive software applications. On my day-to-day work, I am eager to having the status call in the early afternoon—it’s morning time in France and afternoon in India. It is a key moment where we update each other and agree on to-dos. My colleagues and I take lunch breaks together and sometimes, we play badminton on the weekend. Strengthening our team spirit is a crucial part in software development, as well!

Extending truck range with fuel cell modules

Wels is quite a small city, and I never thought I would end up working in such an international environment here in my home town. Every day, I am talking to colleagues all around the world about how to test and optimize our software for hydrogen notably. It’s very exciting!
Martin Friedl, Technical Team Leader at OP’nSoft, Wels, Austria

Software integration and multidisciplinary collaboration for efficient energy solutions

When I started at OPmobility in 2021, I was part of a three-person team writing software for the first iteration of a 50-kW fuel-cell system. I remember how fast we went from a headcount of 13 to 70 colleagues. Now, our ever-growing team fills up our cantine pretty quickly around midday!


Currently, we are working on a 150-kW module to be used in heavy duty applications. Hydrogen is energy-dense and allows for quick refueling, cutting battery requirements and charging times: without a fuel cell, an electric truck would require significant amounts of batteries, resulting in increased weight and longer charging times. Integrating the stack into a system is where the software challenge lies: in essence, the vehicle system will send a power request to our control unit, and our software manages the fuel cell system to deliver this electrical power to the vehicle drive train.


This entails a high degree of complexity: a fuel cell module is composed of over 150 components, from an electric turbo charged compressor, valves, sensors all the way to DC/DC converters. This is where I see the real advantage of having OP’nSoft as an overarching organisation. By pooling resources, large teams can be set on safety-critical functions which are part of multiple products—and which need to pass certification. It would be impossible to do this efficiently at a Business Group level. Meanwhile, smaller product teams such as mine can focus on developing, testing, and on interfacing with local teams. Fuel cells are a challenging product, but manageable, so as a team, we cover a range of disciplines: this variety is what I love about my job.

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H2-Power plant in Wels (Austria)

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