Legal notice


In accordance with Article 6 of French Law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 regarding Confidence in the Digital Economy, we inform users of the website of the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring.


Publisher: OPmobility SE

Société Européenne

SIREN: 955 512 611

Registered office: 19, boulevard Jules Carteret – 69007 Lyon – France

Share capital: €8,731,329.18

Divided into 145,522,153 shares of €0.06 each

Tel: +33 (0)1 40 87 64 00


Publication manager: Cécile CANET-TEIL, Group VP Communications

Website Editing Manager: Myriam MALAK, VP External Communications


Design, layout and production: ANGIE

Owner status: company
Prefix : SAS
Company name : Angie
26 rue du Sentier 75002 Paris
Phone number: +33 (0)1 55 34 46 00


Hosting: TANGRAM

SARL unipersonnelle

Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies under number 484 750 484

5, rue Michel Peter – 75013 Paris – France

Share capital: €60,000.00

Tel: +33 (0)9 70 66 92 93


Terms of use

The website is hereinafter referred to as “the Site.” The “User” refers to the internet user connecting to and using the website. The purpose of the Vibes magazine within OPmobility SE Site is . OPmobility SE makes every effort to ensure the information provided to the User – for information purposes only – is accurate and up to date and reserves the right to change or update the content of the Site at any time and without notice. OPmobility SE does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of information provided on the Site. Accordingly, OPmobility SE makes no express or implied warranties of any kind regarding the information, content, expertise and technologies made available to the User by OPmobility SE on the Site (the “Information”). The User is solely responsible for the use and interpretation he makes of the Information and data published by OPmobility SE, as well as for the actions and advice he deduces or issues therefrom. The use of the Information by the User is therefore under his or her sole responsibility, to the exclusion of any liability of OPmobility SE.

The User of the Site must comply with the terms of use below. When the User accesses the Site and browses and/or uses it, he or she accepts unconditionally the terms of use.


Intellectual property

The Site itself and all components thereof are protected by intellectual property law or any other applicable legislation.
The Site is a work whose author is OPmobility SE, as defined in Articles L111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animations with or without sound, and other works on the Site are the property of OPmobility SE or third parties that have authorized OPmobility SE to use them. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce, represent, use or modify – either partially or entirely – texts or illustrations by any means or into any form whatsoever without the prior written agreement of OPmobility SE, which reserves the right to take legal action in the event of any infringement. The contents, expertise and technologies described on the Site may be protected by other intellectual property rights of OPmobility SE or third parties. OPmobility SE does not guarantee in any way that the contents, expertise and technologies described do not violate any patent, copyright, trademark or, more generally, any intellectual property right.
No license or right to use any intellectual property right is granted. The names, logos and trademarks are the property of OPmobility SE and may not be used without prior written permission.


Corporate responsability

The User expressly agrees to use the Site at his or her own risk and under his or her sole responsibility. OPmobility SE and its subsidiaries and affiliates will in no event be liable for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, including material damage, loss of data or programs, and financial loss arising from access or use of the Site or any sites linked to it, or decisions made based on the information contained therein.


Links to other sites

The Site may include links to other affiliated or non-affiliated sites. These sites are independent from the Site. As OPmobility SE does not control these sites, it cannot be held responsible for enabling access to them and will not be responsible for their content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these sites. In addition, OPmobility SE will not be held responsible for any use that may be made of it by the User, and consequently for any actual or alleged damage or loss following or in connection with having used or trusted the content, goods or services available on such sites. We remind the User that affiliated and non-affiliated sites are subject to their own terms and conditions of use.


Hypertext links

Any website administrator wishing to establish a link from his or her site to the Site is required to obtain prior written permission from OPmobility SE.
The User who may be redirected to a third-party internet page by a hyperlink on the Site acknowledges that OPmobility SE does not control the content of sites to which the User may be redirected. Accordingly, OPmobility SE will not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of sites accessible via hyperlinks contained on the Site.


We inform the User that when they visit the Site, a cookie may be automatically installed in their internet browser. Cookies do not enable OPmobility SE to personally identify the user but are used to store information about their use of the Site. Your internet browser settings allow you to be informed of the presence of cookies and to refuse them, as outlined on the following website: If you would like more information about cookies, please visit the following page: Privacy statement & cookies


Updating the terms of use

OPmobility SE reserves the right to change and update access to the Site and these Terms of Use at any time. These changes and updates mean that the User must refer regularly to this section to check the current Terms of Use.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These Terms of Use are governed by French law. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or enforcement of these Terms will fall within the jurisdiction of French courts.